Maximizing Summer Renovations: Integrating Smart Connected Devices for a Modern Home Makeover

As summer is here it’s a common time for homeowners to embark on remodeling projects. The warm weather and longer days make it the perfect season for tackling major updates and renovations. If you're considering a significant home remodel, now is an ideal opportunity to integrate smart devices that can greatly enhance your living space. These advanced devices not only modernize your home but also bring convenience and efficiency. 

In this article, we’ll examine common issues homeowners face and how smart devices can provide effective solutions.

Addressing Common Remodeling Challenges: Key Issues and Effective Solutions

Outdated Technology

Many homes still rely on outdated technology, which can present a range of challenges and inconveniences for homeowners. This often includes manual thermostats, traditional lighting systems, and old-fashioned security measures. Each of these outdated technologies can complicate home management and reduce overall efficiency, making it harder to maintain comfort and control within your living space.

smart sensors

Manual Thermostats

Manual thermostats are one of the most common remnants of older home technology. Unlike their modern counterparts, manual thermostats require manual adjustment to change the temperature settings. This can lead to a handful of tasks, particularly if you’re trying to manage different heating and cooling needs throughout the day. For example, you might find yourself frequently adjusting the thermostat when the weather changes or when you’re not home, leading to inconsistent temperatures and inefficient energy use. The lack of automation means you miss out on the convenience of setting schedules or adjusting temperatures remotely.

smart temperature monitor

Smart Solution:  Smart Temperature Monitors offer a modern solution to these issues by providing real-time data on your home’s temperature. These smart connected devices offer precise readings and historical information, allowing you to track and manage your indoor climate more effectively. Smart monitors alert you to significant temperature changes, helping you maintain a stable environment and potentially reduce energy costs. With continuous monitoring and automated adjustments, you can optimize your home’s climate control and address any temperature issues promptly, enhancing both comfort and efficiency. Not only this solution can aid homeowners, but smart sensors in property management surely come in handy.

Traditional Lighting Systems

smart light switch

Traditional lighting systems also reflect outdated technology. These systems often involve manual switches and dimmers, which can be inconvenient, especially if you have multiple rooms or areas to manage. Without the ability to control lighting remotely or set schedules, you’re left with the task of physically turning lights on and off throughout the day. This can be particularly frustrating when you’re away from home or when trying to create specific lighting effects for different activities or moods. Additionally, traditional lighting often lacks the energy efficiency of modern options, leading to higher electricity bills.

Smart Solution: Upgrading to Smart Light Switches can address these issues effectively. Smart light switches allow you to control your home’s lighting remotely via a smartphone app, making it easy to manage and customize lighting from anywhere. With these smart connected devices, you can set schedules, adjust brightness levels, and create lighting scenes tailored to different activities or moods. Additionally, smart light switches are designed to be more energy-efficient, helping reduce electricity consumption and lower your utility bills.

smart light switch

By replacing outdated technology with modern smart devices, homeowners can streamline their daily routines, reduce energy consumption, and improve overall home security. These upgrades not only make managing your home easier but also contribute to a more comfortable and secure living environment.

Old-Fashioned Security Measures

Traditional home security systems often fall short in today’s modern world, posing several challenges for homeowners. Many older systems can be cumbersome to manage and may lack the advanced features necessary to provide comprehensive protection and convenience.

Manual Locks and Basic Security Measures

Old-fashioned locks and basic alarm systems were once standard, but they can present several issues. Traditional locks often require physical keys, which means managing multiple keys for different doors can become a hassle. Additionally, if keys are lost or stolen, the entire locking system may need to be replaced, posing a security risk.

traditional lock to smart door lock transition

Basic alarm systems may offer limited protection and typically lack the sophisticated features of modern solutions. These systems often provide only a rudimentary level of security, such as basic motion detection or simple door/window sensors. They might not offer real-time alerts or integration with other smart devices, making monitoring and responding to security threats difficult. That sets apart smart door locks as one of the most ideal smart connected devices you should consider integrating your home with. 

Challenges with Traditional Security Systems

  1. Complexity and Management Difficulties: Traditional systems can be complex to operate and maintain. Manual entry and exit processes, combined with outdated control panels, can make it challenging to monitor and manage your home’s security efficiently.
  1. Limited Integration: Older security systems often do not integrate with other smart home devices. This lack of integration means that security features are isolated from other home automation systems, reducing overall functionality and convenience.
  1. Inadequate Real-Time Monitoring: Traditional systems typically lack advanced monitoring capabilities. They may not provide real-time alerts or detailed information about security breaches, leaving homeowners less informed about potential threats.
  1. Reduced Accessibility: Managing traditional security systems often requires being physically present at the control panel or manually checking security footage, which can be inconvenient and time-consuming.

Modern Solutions for Enhanced Security

Smart Locks and Keyless Entry: Modern smart door locks have revolutionized home security with advanced features that go beyond traditional keyless entry. Smart door locks known as the leading smart connected devices when it comes to technology upgrades offer multiple access methods, including fingerprint recognition and facial recognition, providing a high level of convenience and security without the need for physical keys. 

smart door lock multiple access method

With smart door lock remote management, you can manage your home’s entry points through a smartphone app, enabling features such as temporary access codes for guests and real-time notifications whenever doors are locked or unlocked. The integration of contactless technologies like fingerprint and facial recognition enhances both security and ease of use, making home access seamless and secure.

Advanced Security Cameras: Another appealing and must-have smart connected device to integrate during your home makeover is the smart camera monitor. They offer a significant upgrade by combining high-definition video quality with advanced features such as motion detection, night vision, and two-way audio. These smart cameras not only enhance the security of your home but also add to its appeal. They allow you to confirm deliveries, recognize strangers outside your property, and manage your space effectively even when you’re not around. Integrated with your smart home system, these cameras enable remote viewing and real-time notifications through your smartphone, providing both security and convenience in one comprehensive solution.

smart camera monitors

If you have children and infants in your household, installing a smart camera monitor in a nursery is an excellent home improvement. This project is especially beneficial for new families looking to create a safe and comfortable space for their young ones.

Comprehensive Security Systems: Today’s smart security systems offer comprehensive solutions that integrate various components, including cameras, sensors, and alarms, into a unified network. These systems provide real-time monitoring, detailed alerts, and easy management through a single app, ensuring that you can effectively oversee and protect your home from anywhere.

By upgrading to modern security solutions, homeowners can address the limitations of traditional systems and enjoy enhanced protection, convenience, and peace of mind. Smart connected devices offer advanced features and seamless integration, making it easier to keep your home safe and secure in today’s fast-paced world.


Summer is more than just a time for soaking up the sun—it's also an ideal season for homeowners to refresh and modernize their living spaces. While many people associate summer with relaxation and outdoor activities, it is also a perfect opportunity for tackling home renovations and upgrades. The warmer weather and longer days create an ideal environment for addressing common remodeling challenges and integrating smart technology into your home.

Modern smart devices can greatly enhance your home's functionality, comfort, and security. Upgrading to smart technology during this season allows you to take advantage of improved efficiency and convenience. By focusing on significant remodeling projects now, you can transform your living space into a more modern, secure, and efficient environment, making the most of this prime renovation season.

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